January 29, 2024

Holistic Preparedness in Emergency Situations

I am a true believer in a holistic approach to Fitness, Wellness & everyday living.  Through my research and everyday practice, I find new and proven ways to handle emergencies brought upon by life in the 2024.  Being able to reconnect to my body wisdom, listen intuitively & the ability to create a F.L.O.W. chart (personal roadmap) for success has given me the tools it requires to handle catastrophes as they  happen in our lives.  Over the years, I have been able to put together my own holistic FIRST AID kit for myself, my family and friends who are open to the option.  This First Aid kit came in very handy this past weekend when I was bitten by a dog while running in our small town neighborhood.

PSA: I was truly not sure how bad the dog bite actually was due to the durability of my Zyia leggings.  They were not even ripped, but when I pulled my pants down in the bathroom to check it out— the wound was pretty bad– punctured a couple spots.  (I bet you want the Zyia leggings, don’t you—- reach out and I will give you a link to them).  https://linktr.ee/soulmeetsbodycoach

Once I saw how bad the wound was, I decided it was best to get it professionally cleaned & irrigated, so infection does not creep in.  While I was on my way to Urgent Care, I had my son drive over to the house where the dog resides to get pertinent information about the dog’s records… gratefully, the dog was up-to-date on all vaccinations and the owner was cooperative and respectful to my son.

The irrigation and cleaning of the wound was a success and the doctor did prescribe antibiotics, just in case, but I knew I had a cabinet of toxin-free, natural products that were anti-viral, & anti-bacterial without any side effects or months of probiotics and fermentations to get my gut health (microbiome) back to being Optimally WELLthy.  I have a Natural First Aid Kit that has everything that I truly believe in for keeping my family and I healthy even in emergency situations.  (Along with my knowledge and expertise of how to regulate our body systems).

My Natural First Aid Kit is my own creation of tried and true products that work.


    1. Colloidal Silver Liquid
    2. Silver Shield Liquid (Nature’s Sunshine)
    3. Silver Shield Gel (Nature’s Sunshine)
    4. Oil of Oregano
    5. Arnica Homeopathic Chewables
    6. Arnica Gel
    7. Ginger Essential Oil
    8. Tea Tree Essential Oil
    9. Iodine
    10. Bach Rescue Remedy Flower Essence
    11. Comfrey Salve (Nature’s Sunshine)
    12. Histablock (Nature’s Sunshine)
    13. Activated Charcoal capsules (Nature’s sunshine)
    14. Castor Oil
    15. Essential Oils
    16. Manuka Honey
    17. Toxin-free bandages
    18. Soul Meets Body Workout Buddy, Arthritis Guru and Recovery Pro Creams
    19. Water Filters (EpicWater Filter Jug)
    20. GC CBDA
    21. GC Soothe Cream
    22. GC Reduce Roll-on
    23. GC Collagen
    24. GC hemp terpenes
    25. GC FS jellies for relaxation
    26. ACV
    27. Bentonite Clay
    28. Supplements (take the 12 Day Pollinator to see exactly what supplements are recommended & other important Optimal WELLthy information)

Linktree Account has all of my links:  https://linktr.ee/soulmeetsbodycoach


It is so important to get prepared for any emergency situation.  I hope this personal First Aid Kit that I have created for my family and friends helps you create your own preparedness kit.  Let me know how I can help you SHOW UP FOR YOURSELF & YOUR LOVED ONES.