December 2, 2019

Happy and Healthy Holiday Challenge!

Over the past five years, I have decided to share my Thankfulness over social media in hopes to inspire others to be outwardly thankful to their community members.  Thanksgiving is all about “being thankful, right?”  Who else can remember vividly tracing their hand and writing items and people you were thankful for in class?  All of these projects darned our thanksgiving table, since there were 4 of us kids growing up in the Anastasio household.  What an amazing gesture it was, wasn’t it?  Don’t you always feel warm and giving inside after saying or doing something nice for another person?  That is what the holiday season is all about isn’t it?

Growing up, I always said, “Christmas was my favorite holiday” because of that amazing “Night before Christmas feeling.”  Now-a-days, I truly believe that Thanksgiving is my ALL TIME FAVORITE holiday because it is all about being thankful for all of the blessings you are giving and receiving.  Thanksgiving is all about being happy, healthy, balanced and open to receiving new blessings into our lives.  Thanksgiving is about working together to create a delicious and healthy feast to be enjoyed around the table with funny memories, crazy stories and hysterical laughter filling the room.   These days are what life and love and WHOLENESS is all about.

Keeping with this wonderful feeling of receiving love and thanks, let’s join in my Happy and Healthy Holiday Challenge from December 9th through January 1st NEW YEAR’S DAY and RECEIVE my GESTURES of wholeness, fitness and mindfulness into your holiday season.  Please keep the feeling of gratitude alive throughout the entire holiday season.  Let’s start to make good habits that last a lifetime.

This challenge can be done in the comfort of your own home or with others.  There will be an easy to follow CHALLENGE each day to complete.   The challenge may be an exercise, going to a Soul meets Body event, trying a new food item, or a mindful activity, but they are ALL fun and inspire healthy habits.  Some challenges are random and others are progressive and build upon each other for ULTIMATE SUCCESS.

Go to and sign up on the product page (Happy and Healthy Holiday Challenge) to pay for the challenge and I will email you the challenge calendar and stay in touch with you each day to add a little inspiration to your life.  Please accept my empowering gesture and gift over this Holiday season.  Blessings to all of you.