August 5, 2024
Narrow your Focus & Optimal WELLth with Cordyceps!
The most interesting health benefits of cordyceps include its ability to improve respiratory health, increase oxygen uptake, boost your heart health and detoxify your body. This fungus has also been [...]
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August 5, 2024
Bloom into Optimal WELLth with Functional Mushrooms
Elevate your Optimal WELLth with Functional Mushrooms. Mushrooms have long been touted for their myriad of health benefits, and the use of medicinal mushroom dates back thousands of years. Now, [...]
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January 29, 2024
Holistic Preparedness in Emergency Situations
I am a true believer in a holistic approach to Fitness, Wellness & everyday living.  Through my research and everyday practice, I find new and proven ways to handle emergencies [...]
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January 25, 2024
5 Tried & True Ways to Support your Optimal WELLth this winter!
Less sunlight in the winter can impact your circadian rhythm as well as the release of melatonin. To combat these effects, try to get outside in early morning hours (try [...]
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