UAchieve 5K Running Program Level 2: Believe


12 week running (endurance and speed amplified) program

9 minute mental rehearsal run mp3

SMB UAchieve Group membership for 12 weeks


You have run numerous races at the 5K distance, and you are not content with merely finishing your 5K race, anymore.  You would like to finish it with grace, style and a new PR.  (personal record)

During the Level 2: Believe program, we take your training to the next level… improving your endurance and speed.  In order to get the greatest benefit from this program, you should be running at least 3-4 times per week for the last year or so.   Greatness, is it in YOU?!!?  Of course, you can dream it, so now is the time to BELIEVE it!!!

Includes a download of the 12 week program for Believers, membership of SMB UAchieve Program: Dream, Believe, Achieve group with on-going inspirational emails, zoom videos each month on race day tips, dietary guidelines for runners, shoe lacing tips for all feet and more.

Plus, a bonus 9 min mental rehearsal run mp3 to keep.


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